Humpday Hahas Branding
Hump Day Hahas is a comedy series hosted by Isley Brewing Company in Richmond, Virginia. Comedian and organizer Jameson Babbowski came to me asking for a brand that was eye-catching, consistent, and easily updatable from month to month.
Together, we came up with an-in-your face look that put the laughs front and center. In our case, big laughs literally means big HAHAs.
A strict, all-black ink system allows us to preserve a dry, droll attitude over time and across applications. The background color and the laughing mouth are the only things that change each month. The idea is to create a brand that comedians and patrons immediately recognize and eventually, come to love.
This commitment to consistency also has the added benefit of making updates to variable content a cinch. The next month’s performers are added to our templated materials, and promotion for upcoming shows can begin quick snap.